Bottarga Its history goes back to the Egyptian Origins of this practice trace back to about 5000 years ago

Bottarga Egyptian Bottarga

Egyptian Bottarga

Bottarga Its history goes back to the Egyptian Origins of this practice trace back to about 5000 years ago and has been seen in painting on the walls of their tombs. who began to salt and dry grey mullet roe. It is known from Ancient writers that Bottarga was produced along the Nile river banks & Egyptian murals dating since the age of the pyramids. fisherman executing the lengthy process in which bottarga were, and still are made: the roe is carefully extracted, cleaned, salted, pressed and dried. They are then washed and sandwiched between weighted, wooden boards to press out any residual liquid, and to give them a solid, flat shape. Finally, they are hung and allowed to air dry until they take on their characteristic coral color. 

Why Egyptian Bottarga?

The Finest Golden Bottarga in the World, Egyptian Bottarga cured naturally without preservatives, this is a delicate, delicious version of Bottarga. A shorter curing time, hand salting, bring the nutritional benefits but with less salt taste and golden hues.

Our Bottarga come from grey mullet, and thin lip grey mullet in Bardawil Lake.

Lake Bardawil is a large, very saline lagoon nearby the protected area of Zaranik in Egypt on the north coast of the Sinai Peninsula. is a large, very saline lagoon nearby the protected area known for diversities of insects and waterbirds in Egypt on the north Mediterranean Coast of Sinai of the Sinai Peninsula, It's considered to be one of the three major lakes of the Sinai Peninsula, Between Port Said and Rafah.

Lake Bardawil is considered one of the most economic water masses because of its high-quality fish production, which is exported to Europe, as well as its non-polluted habitat. This lake does not suffer from the deterioration of fish quality and fish products like other Egyptian lakes.

From Ancient Egypt this farming technique was spread to other Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Turkey,  and Italy. Today Bottarga is also produced in Japan, and Australia. 

Modern technology has not changed the procedure followed to preparing Bottarga: each roe sack is carefully removed by hand and salted and dried in natural conditions whereas th guarantees the strictest hygienic conditions. 

Bottarga should be served thinly sliced in order to allow your palate to appreciate the full range of its rich flavors. Sardinians serve it over vegetables or bread and butter. You can mix it with pasta and salads or eat it as it is with some lemon juice.  Preserve it in a cool place away from light, preferably the refrigerator, and with each bite remember to appreciate its long history and passion of 5000 years of culinary history. 

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